Friday, June 29, 2012

Keeping My Hopes High

     So theres been a slight change of plans. Now before those of you who know me well get too worried, that sounds more ominous than it actually is. Yes, I am STILL going to Africa in just over a week, but I will no longer be using this pre-departure post to tell you the itinerary for our 26 day trip. Why? Well two reasons actually.
     First of all, I don't really know the itinerary.  My Pittsburgh -> Washington, DC -> Istanbul, Turkey -> Entebbe, Uganda plane tickets give me the heads up regarding the 21 hours of flight time,  not to mention over 10 hours in layovers, but after that things get a little less certain. There is a sample itinerary on the Amizade Tanzania website, but even that is vague at best. All I know for sure is our two teachers, Caitlin and Paul, will be picking us up at the airport at 2 AM and taking it from there.
     The second reason I'm not using this entry to explain just what we'll be doing is because I don't want to be let down if plans are changed and experiences I've been looking forward to don't end up happening.  This disappointment from things playing out differently (ie. "worse") than I expected is something I try to avoid, because it can ruin what would otherwise be a perfectly good time. The best way I know to guard against this disappointment comes from a friend who always says, "Keep your hopes high and your expectations low." Theres nothing wrong with hoping to do great things- hey the 'hope' I had for going to Tanzania before it was a reality is part of what led me to make it happen- but I tend to think that expectations only set you up to be let down.

    That being said, and for those of you who didn't click that link above, here are some of the possible things I hope to be doing in the next month- my 'Tanzania Bucket List,' so to speak: 

2. Visit the Rwanda genocide museum
3. See the Kroghs at the new CMU campus (or my World Vision child, Delphine?) in Kigali
4. Visit the beach at Zanzibar
6. Work with two local NGOs on a water harvesting initiative and women's employment issues
7. Volunteer in a local elementary school
8. Take (and eat what I make in) an African cooking class

     If all of these things happen I will be thrilled, but I'll really be content if even a few take place. I'm excited for the beautiful adventure that lies ahead, and can't wait to share more with you through pictures and posts as things unfold. There are, of course, some nerves, but I think thats probably to be expected with anything unknown. Here's hoping for a month of excitement, adventure, self discovery and much much more!

PS: One request for anyone who wants my undying love and affection. I would be eternally grateful for detailed notes of every glorious Michael Phelps/Ryan Lochte head-to-head race. Starts, flipturns, and finishes, please and  thank you! (extra points for wet washboard ab photo evidence...)

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