Sunday, July 8, 2012

Airport Ramblings

     This post comes to you live from the hallowed halls (make that the well waxed terminals) of Washington Dulles International Airport. I should note that it's also being written (typed stream of consciousness and full of parenthetical statements) on my iPhone because I can't connect to the free wifi on my laptop. Talk about #firstworldproblems, I know. We (Courtney, one of my 4 fellow classmates, and I) are currently an hour and a half into our eight hour layover, waiting to meet our third traveler, Jade, and take our 12 hour flight to Istanbul. Then on to Uganda where we arrive at 3 AM Tuesday morning. Can you say jet lag?

      So far the day has been pretty uneventful: pancake smile at Eat N Park (the best), church and support from lots of friends (even better), final packing, updating my music collection (Jim Brickman, James Taylor, David Crowder Band... And Timeflies Tuesday) and then off to the airport. Besides burning the entire roof of my mouth off eating very subpar vegetable soup I have no complaints, and I'm hoping things continue to go as smoothly the rest of the journey.

      While hugging my mom goodbye today, she reminded me that I said back in April that it would be a miracle if I went on this trip. Today it's really no less true. Six months ago I thought I'd be in Switzerland, four months ago it looked like I'd be staying in Pittsburgh, and two months ago I almost started packing to go to Boston for the summer. But here I am: sitting cross-legged in a leather chair at gate B47, waiting to go to Istanbul, en route to Uganda and finally Tanzania. For as crazy (and potentially foolish) as that is there has to be a reason, right? So what is it? What am I going or do or see or learn these next 4 weeks? Jerry always says, "When God wants to teach you something he takes you on a trip." Well, here I go.

PS- Sorry this is boring, but not much has happened.
PPS- Airport sushi is less sketchy than it sounds. 
PPPS- The fire alarm just started going off? Hm... 

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