Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hello, Goodbye

Today we're saying goodbye to FADECO, Roida Café, Egbert, Fahim,
Morris, and Karagwe in general. Tomorrow we'll begin our hellos to
Bukoba, an overnight ferry ride to Mwanza, the start of the safari
overnight adventure, the Maasai markets in Arusha, and a flight to Dar
es Salaam. There has been unrest and rioting in Zanzibar after a
ferryboat sank last week, so at the warnings of the State Department
we've cut that part of our trip. We're all pretty bummed we wont get
the chance to lay on the gorgeous beach, but an extra day in each
Arusha and Dar will be fun too. Just about one week until we head

And yes, Lo/Marie/Ashtyn/Jill the Beatles reference is for you :)

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